Wondaree Macadamia Nuts

Wondaree Macadamia Nuts has been owned and run by Greg & Wendy O'Neill since 1983. The farm is located on a beautiful spot on the Atherton Tablelands, where the right amounts of rain and sunshine produce a carpet of green that spans the countryside and blankets the encircling mountains, a panorama visible from their back patio.

Macadamia nuts are farmed on this beautiful spot by Greg under the watchful eye of Roy the kelpie. Each year in late winter and early spring, the macadamia trees burst with their highly scented, creamy coloured flowers and when they fall naturally from the tree, the nuts are are scooped up off the ground by pinwheel harvesters. The nuts are then dehusked and dried onsite before being sent away for additional drying and cracking to ensure the nut kernels are rich and crisp.

Every nut in a Wondaree pack comes from a tree in their orchard of 2700 trees. There's a goodness and care there that you can find in every packet.

Made in Tolga, Queensland